SEO Bay Area

You need more targeted organic traffic from Google. That’s what we deliver.

If you’re on this SEO landing page, most likely you found us after doing a Google search for SEO Bay Area, or some variation of that keyword. We’re Pave SEO! As your trusted partner, we can make your business shine online with our top-notch SEO strategies. By leveraging our expertise, we can enhance your visibility, attract more customers, and deliver tangible results. Choose the proven path to success by partnering with us today. Contact us now!

Try our expert SEO Bay Area services

Geneva Bell, the owner of Pave SEO, brings a decade of marketing experience. Her journey began as the marketing manager for several privately owned car dealerships where she gained experience in both digital and traditional marketing, i.e., billboard ads, radio ads, TV commercials, etc.

Throughout her journey, Geneva uncovered the remarkable potential of public relations. With experience as a publicist, she seamlessly integrates PR tactics into her SEO campaigns, reaping the benefits of valuable media coverage and influential backlinks for her clients. The outcome? Heightened organic traffic and improved search engine rankings. Geneva’s unique approach combines the best of both worlds, maximizing the impact of public relations and SEO to drive remarkable results for her clients.

Geneva’s unique marketing background enables her to approach SEO with a holistic perspective. Geneva’s comprehensive approach to SEO guarantees long-term success and drives meaningful results for her clients.

Try our expert SEO Bay Area services

Just as a well-crafted symphony requires a conductor to orchestrate every instrument in harmony, effective SEO requires meticulous planning and execution. Your online presence is the symphony, and SEO serves as the conductor that brings all the elements together.

Consistency in implementing SEO strategies is akin to the conductor’s steady hand, ensuring each note is played at the right time and in the right sequence. With consistent SEO efforts, you’ll witness a gradual but steady improvement in your website’s visibility, search engine rankings, and overall online performance.

Moreover, the level of investment you make in SEO is like choosing between a small ensemble and a full orchestra. A modest investment may yield positive results over time, similar to the beauty of a smaller ensemble. However, a more substantial investment allows for a full orchestral experience, where every instrument shines, delivering a powerful and captivating performance.

With a higher investment in SEO, you can take a comprehensive and proactive approach, leveraging advanced strategies, cutting-edge tools, and expert guidance to accelerate your progress and achieve remarkable outcomes.

It’s crucial to set realistic expectations. If your competitors are investing heavily in SEO, it’s unlikely that a minimal investment will enable you to surpass them. By allocating more resources to SEO, you gain a competitive advantage, commanding attention, attracting a larger audience, and positioning your brand as a leader in your industry.

The symphony of SEO orchestrates increased visibility, organic traffic, and brand authority, creating a harmonious melody that resonates with your target audience and delivers outstanding results.

Google Search Console for
Geneva Bell on Macbook pro computer performing SEO services.

Testimonials For SEO Bay Area Agency

If you’re looking for the best SEO Bay Area agency, then you’re in good hands. Don’t take our word for it, here’s what our SEO clients say about us!

Geneva is THE BOMB! Period. We contracted Geneva’s services to improve our new website’s SEO, etc. In short order, we saw success! Impressions and clicks on our website went up steadily and quickly. She’s is organized, responsive, and always has a plan, which we loved. She charts out a trajectory, clearly explains it, and dives in head-first. Very responsive, organized, and diligent. Produced results. She’s also great at coordinating with your web designer, to make sure the appropriate corrections and tweaks are performed to maximize your SEO. If you’re considering working with Geneva, stop thinking and just grab her services now. You’ll be very happy and you won’t regret it.

Grayson Hoffman

CEO & Real Estate Agent, The Ashley Hoffman Group

“Had the opportunity of working with Geneva on quite a few SEO/SEM projects and I must say, she is extremely organized, very professional, and simply amazing at what she does. Her attention to detail and ability to meet the deadlines given even though sometimes they were a bit tight, made it so helpful to hit several milestones with our analytics. She’s so knowledgeable in her field that I look forward to continue working with her in the near future.”

Latanya Preston

Account Executive, Sonicloop Networks

“Geneva helped us out greatly to acquire some high level links. She went above and beyond to see the project through and was able to get us pointed in a direction that will allow us to acquire ongoing high quality back links on our own! Thanks Geneva!”

Sean Walsh

CEO, Walcraft Cabinetry

SEO Groundwork $1000

(One Time Fee)

Think of your website as a beautiful house – it’s visually appealing, but without a solid foundation, it won’t withstand the test of time. Our SEO Bay Area Groundwork package serves as the strong foundation you’ll need if you want to succeed in search engine optimization. This one-time investment will help you in your pursuit of attracting new leads and driving real profitability. Benefit from our experience and expertise to lay the groundwork for your website’s long-term success.
  • Website Audit
  • Setup Google Analytics
  • Create XML Sitemap
  • Fix Technical Errors
  • Create Page Title and Descriptions
  • Setup Google Search Console
  • Setup Google Business Profile
  • Add Business to 3 Local Directories
  • Install and setup All-In-One Security Plugin
  • Install Rank Math Plugin
  • Rename Page URLs
  • Add Social Share Buttons

*Price is based on a 5 page website. Additional pages are $100 each.

SEO Bay Area Pricing


We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your $1000/month budget.

Campaign Setup And Optimization

  • Website Audit
  • Custom SEO Strategy
  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Link Building
  • Monthly Reporting


per month

Prepaid Discounts:

3 Months $2,700

(10% discount saves you $300)

6 Months $5,100

(15% discount saves you $900)

12 Months $9,600

(20% discount saves you $1,240)


We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your $2500/month budget.

Campaign Setup And Optimization

  • Website Audit
  • Custom SEO Strategy
  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Link Building
  • Monthly Reporting


per month

Prepaid Discounts:

3 Months $6,750

(10% discount saves you $1,000)

6 Months $13,500

(15% discount saves you $1,500)

12 Months $24,000

(20% discount saves you $6,000)


We will create a custom SEO strategy based on your $5000+/month budget.

Campaign Setup And Optimization

  • Website Audit
  • Custom SEO Strategy
  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Link Building
  • Monthly Reporting


per month

Prepaid Discounts:

3 Months $13,500

(10% discount saves you $1,500)

6 Months $25,500

(15% discount saves you $4,500)

12 Months $48,000

(20% discount saves you $12,000)


Here are some of our most frequently answered Search Engine Optimization questions and answers.

What does SEO stand for?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to the practice of optimizing a website or online content to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO involves various techniques and strategies, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation, all aimed at enhancing a website’s relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines. The ultimate goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website and attract relevant visitors who are actively searching for information, products, or services related to the website’s content.

How much does SEO cost?

The cost of SEO varies significantly depending on various factors, such as the scope and complexity of the project, the competitiveness of the target keywords or industry, the geographic location, and the experience and expertise of the SEO service provider.

The range in price for small, local businesses with basic optimization needs, to larger companies or more competitive industries requiring extensive optimization and ongoing maintenance is significant.

It’s important to note that investing in quality SEO services can yield substantial long-term benefits by driving organic traffic and improving online visibility, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence.

That being said, here at Pave SEO, our SEO services range from $1000-$10,000 per month.

How long does SEO take?

The timeline for seeing results from SEO efforts can vary significantly based on multiple factors, including the competitiveness of the industry, the current state of the website, the level of optimization already performed, and the consistency and effectiveness of ongoing SEO strategies.

In general, it can take three to six months to start seeing noticeable improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic.

However, it’s important to note that SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous efforts and adjustments. It takes time for search engines to crawl and index the website, evaluate its relevance and authority, and incorporate the changes made.

Additionally, building quality backlinks, improving content, and gaining trust from search engines and users all contribute to long-term success.

What is the ROI on SEO?

The return on investment (ROI) for SEO can vary depending on industry.

SEO can generate valuable leads, increase brand visibility, and enhance online conversions and sales. Compared to traditional advertising methods, SEO offers a long-term and sustainable solution as the effects can continue to benefit a website even after the initial investment.

Some businesses have received over 25X their money back from a 12-month custom SEO campaign and continue to profit after their campaign is completed.

Can you get me to #1 on Google?
Our expert team of SEO specialists is dedicated to achieving the optimal market position for your business, driving a surge of organic traffic to your website. With over a decade of digital marketing experience, we understand the significance of targeting the right keywords rather than solely pursuing the top position. While we prioritize ranking your business for relevant and strategic terms, we won’t hesitate to go the extra mile to secure that coveted #1 position if it aligns with your goals and is possible to do so. Trust us to deliver comprehensive and tailored SEO solutions that yield tangible results for your online success.
Will my results drop if I stop doing SEO?
SEO is comparable to a fitness journey. Just like consistent workouts over 12 months yield a great physique that can be maintained even with a three-month break, SEO results are also long-lasting. However, over time, the effectiveness may diminish, necessitating a tune-up.

Likewise, our SEO strategies are designed for permanence and long-term success. However, it’s possible for competitors to surpass your rankings over time. Should this occur after your campaign concludes, rest assured that our dedicated SEO team is here to assist you. Just reach out to us, and we will guide you through the necessary steps to regain and surpass your previous rankings.

I’ve done SEO before and it hasn’t worked, why are you different?

If you haven’t experienced success with SEO, it usually boils down to one of the following scenarios:

  1. Falling victim to scammers: Unfortunately, the SEO industry is plagued with unscrupulous individuals. If you’ve been deceived by such individuals, we empathize with you. In fact, our team’s unwavering passion for Search Engine Optimization stems from our commitment to combatting these fraudulent practices.

  2. Working with the wrong professionals: SEO is akin to intricate brain surgery, requiring a specialized skill set possessed by only a select few. Many web designers, marketers, and graphic design agencies offer SEO services despite lacking expertise in this domain. While they excel in other areas, entrusting your SEO to someone outside the field is akin to having your logo designer perform brain surgery. You don’t need Jacks of all trades, you need masters of one. We’re masters of SEO. Period.

  3. Incompetence of your previous SEO company: Surprisingly, this is a prevalent issue. Numerous individuals launch “SEO” companies after skimming through a few YouTube videos or purchasing a cheap e-book. They may convince unsuspecting business owners of their competence while being clueless themselves. SEO mastery takes years to acquire, and entrusting your rankings to a self-proclaimed guru can only lead to disappointment.

  4. Insufficient efforts against tough competition: If you paid a meager sum for SEO services in the past, such as $100 or $500 per month, it’s highly likely that your campaign lacked the necessary aggressiveness, effort, and resources to outperform fierce competitors. As the adage goes, “If you think professionals are expensive, wait until you experience the costs of amateurs.”

At Pave SEO, our SEO specialists possess exceptional precision in identifying the reasons behind previous unsuccessful campaigns within minutes. By scrutinizing your website statistics and comparing them directly with your competitors, our team can provide you with valuable insights into why your prior SEO efforts fell short. Let us demonstrate why our approach stands out and how we can help you achieve the results you desire.

Do I need to sign a contract?

While we don’t lock you in a long-term contract, we do have “something in writing” that ensures we’re both on the same page about the work we’ll be performing. It’s just good business.

How do we get started?

Running a business demands your undivided attention, and we understand that. That’s why our SEO team has streamlined the process to make it incredibly simple for you to get started.

All you need to do is:

    1. Reach out to us for a complimentary consultation.
    2. We’ll schedule a brief conversation, either over the phone or in person, where we can discuss your SEO investment and address any questions you may have. Following that, our team will provide you with a quick questionnaire that typically takes around 15 minutes to complete. Once you’ve finished, our seasoned SEO specialists will take the reins, handling every aspect of your SEO strategy, allowing you to fully focus on the day-to-day operations of your business. Rest assured, we’ve got your SEO covered so you can get back to what you do best.
Do you offer PPC services?
No, we don’t.
Will you manage my Social Media accounts?

No, we won’t.

What sort of reporting will I receive?
Every month, we’ll provide you with a detailed ranking report that shows how your website is progressing in Google’s search results. This report is meant to give you peace of mind, especially during the early stages when you might not see a significant increase in phone calls. Rest assured, though, that every single week, your online presence is growing and moving forward. We’re dedicated to getting you the results you want and need, and we’ll keep you informed every step of the way.
Is there any guarantees for our SEO service?
Our guarantee is that nobody will work harder to get you the rankings you deserve than our SEO team.

Just know that no SEO agency can guarantee you to rank #1 on Google. If an agency or professional makes that guarantee, RUN. Because Google is the only one that makes that decision.

Is SEO dead?
No, SEO is not dead. In fact, it remains a critical aspect of online marketing and continues to play a significant role in improving a website’s visibility and attracting organic traffic from search engines.

While SEO isn’t dead, some practices and tactics are. The field of SEO has evolved and outdated SEO practices, can now actively kill your rankings on Google.

The sad part is, some “SEO gurus” are not only still practicing these old tactics but teach them to their clients.

Contact us today and let us help you!

Your Steps to start ranking on Google

We know SEO. And we love it. That’s why Search Engine Optimization and website design are our only areas of focus. If you want better SEO Bay Area rankings, then there are three simple steps that you need to take in order to get started.


Schedule a Call

You’ve been struggling on your own for long enough, now it’s time to let an SEO expert help.


Tailored SEO Strategy

Share your goals and objectives with us during your call. We’ll craft a custom strategy that will help you rank.


Higher Rankings

Your website should be working for you, generating more leads and profits. SEO is the best ROI.

Contact Us

Use the form below to contact us. We look forward to learning more about you, your organization, and how we can help you achieve even greater success with our SEO Bay Area services in California.

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